ESG Activities
On February 24 of this year, the Russian army invaded Ukraine. As I write this report, there does not appear to be any end in sight for the war, but I do hope for a peaceful resolution as soon as possible. This war has caused oil prices to skyrocket, from an average of 75 USD per barrel last year to more than 120 USD.
Our country, which depends on foreign countries for mineral resources and energy, including oil and natural gas, is in a situation that could put a damper on economic activities that have been recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, however, the importance of renewable energy for achieving carbon neutrality is expected to increase.
At the 26th Session of the Conference of the Parties on the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 26), which was held in Glasgow in the United Kingdom last November, participants expressed their firm determination and resolve to realize a decarbonized society with the aim of limiting global warming to no more than 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. I believe it is time for each and every one of us to reconsider and act upon what we can do to achieve this goal.
To that end, last December, Senshu Electric supported the recommendations of the TCFD to further enhance our environmental ISO activities. Accordingly, we will disclose climate change risks as well as opportunities to our investors and have decided to recognize and share the importance of climate change in our management policy. In January of this year, we also applied for the NIKKEI Carbon Neutral Zero Award with our Abil Heater Project. Unfortunately, we didn’t win the grand prize, but I think we were able to show our company’s movement toward decarbonization.
While these are also some of the ideals behind the SDGs, “transforming our world,” “leaving no one behind,” and “realizing a sustainable world” are indeed blueprints for our future society. Despite the unfortunate events of the war, it is also true that the world as a whole has taken a strong step forward in overcoming the COVID-19 virus that took the lives of six million people worldwide. We will continue our activities this year with the aim of creating a brighter society, so we look forward to working with you now and into the future.
Representative Director,President
Motohide Nishimura